You have received an infraction at Digital Point Forums

Buat anda yang punya account di Forum DP, berhati-hatilah dalam membalas di threads. Karena "Lidah lebih tajam dari pada Pedang". (Berlebihan)
Tapi memang benar apa yang di katakan pepatah itu, karena apabila anda salah mengetik di forum DP, maka tunggulah untuk di Banned.

You have received an infraction at Digital Point Forums.

Reason: 7-Day Buy/Sell/Trade Ban
Please don't reply to threads with "pm me details", "pm sent", "I'm interested", "sold", "PM me URL and prices", "anyone else?", "still available", "can I have a review copy?", or any other pointless bumps. This includes replying to posts in threads when they should be private messages.

This infraction is worth 10 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:

I think you can interesting my blog
---End Quote---
All the best,
Digital Point Forums

Tidak tanggung-tanggung, banned sampai 1 minggu.

Anda pernah?


Don't Spam Here

2 comment to “You have received an infraction at Digital Point Forums”

Thanks banget untuk share informasinya.. Setidaknya ini bisa menjadi pengalaman bagi kita semua, khususnya bagi pelaku online busines.. :)

mymoen said...

:-o yang bener mas, sampe segitunya, kan ga ada kata2 kasar dan menyakiti di sebut di atas, apa bahasa di atas disalah artikan (salah paham) atau saya yang ga mengerti tentang konotasi..

kok sampe gitu ya..

ewe said...

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