Foto Vulgar Tora Sudiro, Darius Sinatrya, dan VJ Mike

Foto Vulgar Tora Sudiro, Darius Sinatrya, dan VJ Mike yang sedang ramai di twitter dan hanat di bicarakan, tentunya ini adalah berita terbaru yang membuat nama ketiga artis tercoreng. Seperti foto bugil agnes yang sbelumnya sempat beredar juga

The photographs allegedly vulgar like Tora Sudiro, Darius Sinatrya, and VJ Mike outstanding. The photographs are circulating on twitter microblogging site.

The photos Tora Sudiro, Darius Sinatrya, and VJ Mike were originally spread via Blackberry Messenger service, but then disseminated through tweetphoto, photo upload sites that relate to Twitter. In the photo of Tora and Darius does something inappropriate, while VJ Mike just laughed at them.

Foto Vulgar Tora Sudiro, Darius Sinatrya, dan VJ Mike
Illustration Picture

“WTF? Is it real??!!!” posting pemilik akun andryTU, Rabu (28/7/2010).

“Ho'oh .. Tora , darius n mike ..RT @YrizkiPW: Itu bnran darius..?? RT @andryTU: Asikk yah ? LOL RT @vinnyamalia: Ohhh......ohh...,

But today, through the comments on the photo DiazCrmlWork confirms the account owner if the image is circulated through bb messenger, which was then posted to twitter.

Tags : Foto Vulgar Tora Sudiro, Darius Sinatrya, VJ Mike


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