Pong Harjatmo - Coret Gedung DPR - Jujur Adil Tegas. Berita Aksi melakukan coret gedung DPR oleh Pong Harjatmo dengan alasan ketidakpuasan terhadap kinerja anggota DPR menangani kasus yang selama ini.
80s Artists, Pong Harjatmo, this afternoon action doodles Parliament Building. He climbed House Turtles House Nusantara II, and wrote the words 'Jujur Adil Tegas (Honest, Fair, Firm)' at the green roof. Inevitably, building security officers arrested Pong.
Pong said he was disappointed with the performance of members of parliament. "The Government and Parliament members is never complete their job. Case of Century Bank was not finished. It's still augmented by members of the truant," Pong said in the House of Representatives, Friday, July 30, 2010.
"With a writing course, now do not already didengerin. So should wear direct action," said Pong. He also felt impressions of political parody politicians failed to make the deterrent or embarrassed by their ignorance.
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